February 25th, 2024
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
McHugh Hall

The Conference
Our Mission
The UCONN Sport Business Conference aims to provide a professional opportunity to engage with experts in the sports industry across diverse career paths, providing attendees with a variety of career information and lasting connections in the UCONN Sports Business Conference Family.
Our Vision
Community Engagement: We bring together a plethora of professionals from a variety of teams in the sports community to engage with students.
Professional Development: We promote networking and provide a building block for future professional connections.
Adaptability: We recognise the dynamic nature of the sports industry and bring in people who reflect change and understand the different challenges and trends.
Our Purpose
We aim to provide a formal full-day event that includes keynote speakers, panels, break-out workshop sessions and designated networking opportunities.
We hope to provide attendees with real-world knowledge and skills that they can continue to build upon.
Each year we aim to welcome new and returning professionals into the conference to give students abundant opportunities to fulfill their future goals.